
Debts for a Partner’s or Agent’s Fraud are Still Nondischargeable, Regardless of Culpability of the Innocent Debtor

In a unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court in Bartenwerfer v. Buckley, 598 U.S. 69 (2023), found that an innocent partner having no knowledge of the fraud committed by his partner can still be found to have committed fraud [...]

By |2025-01-29T11:58:32-06:00January 28, 2025|Bankruptcy|

Ownership Transfer Restrictions in Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, or Partnerships

Bankruptcy and restrictions on transferability of ownership interests - for entities that are closely held and can be formed in Texas under the Texas Business Organizations Code: partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies.

By |2024-12-18T15:54:29-06:00December 18, 2024|Bankruptcy|
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