Is Your Ex a Narcissist? Parenting with a High-Conflict Ex, part 2
Family Law attorney Claire James continues her series on parenting with a high-conflict ex. Here, she outlines five ways to minimize drama.
Is Your Ex a Narcissist? Parenting with a High-Conflict Ex, part1
Is your Ex a narcissist? While research indicates only 0.5% to 5% of people actually have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, "high-conflict coparents" share traits with narcissists, and their behavior frequently leads to child custody litigation.
Fathers’ Rights: Summer Possession Schedules and Maximizing Time with Your Children
While divorced fathers generally see their children less during the school year (than do divorced mothers), summer provides a great opportunity for fathers to spend more quality time with their children. Family Law attorney Jack Beesely explains the Summer Possession Period and options in Texas.
Collaborative Divorce: A Better Alternative to Divorce
When I tell people I am a divorce lawyer, a common response is, “Wow, I am so sorry, that’s tough.” My legal practice area often elicits such a response from […]
Unwinding a Healthy Marital Estate: Where to Begin
Married couples often strive to build financial security during marriage. They spend years, even decades, amassing a healthy marital estate without a thought of how to unwind it if the […]
The Clash Among Divorce, Bankruptcy, and IRAs/Pensions/Profit-Sharing Plans
Attorneys practicing in the family law area and those individuals going through the process of divorce need to be cognizant of the ramifications of a property settlement and the respective […]
How Cheating Affects Texas Divorce
Six Pre-Divorce Resolutions
Now that the holidays are over, many of us are thinking about changes we’d like to make in the new year. Some of us have embarked upon a […]